
Bank Indonesia (BI) as the central bank in Indonesia has launched a movement to use non-cash instruments in conducting transactions on economic activities. The majority of Indonesian people are increasingly ready to trade without cash or cashless society. The country's economic policy factors, the availability of various non-cash payments, and online sales and purchases, encourage the tendency to use non-cash transactions (e-payment). One way to find out these trends is to use a model. Models can help understand and explain real phenomena more easily and efficiently than directly observing. One model that can be used is Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS). By using ABMS, the development of models with complex behaviors, dependencies, and interactions can be developed more easily. ABMS is able to describe processes, phenomena, and situations. In this study, the factors that influence the tendency to use e-payment are obtained from various references. From these factors, then created a scenario as a sub-purpose of this model. In simulations using ABMS, detailed descriptions explained based on ODD Protocol elements can be more easily understood and complete. ODD systematically evaluates a model. The advantage is that ODD can improve the accuracy of model formulas and make the theoretical basis more visible.

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