
Time-domain or transient dynamic response method is the most traditional method used to evaluate the dynamic response of a vibratory system subjected to deterministic inputs. The inertia or damping effects are very crucial in the time scale of loading. The present work determines the time domain analysis of railway locomotive using finite element analysis for Indian tracks. The track inputs are modelled as an ellipsoidal bump, and variations in displacement at different key locations of the truck and carbody models are plotted subjected to standard loading conditions. The response plot of the front and rear locations of the locomotive truck and carbody indicate that these regions are more responsive to wheel inputs in comparison to the mid portion due to unbalanced mass distribution. In the further study vertical-lateral random inputs are measured through track recording car and modelled to express in the form of PSD. These random inputs are provided to finite element modelled flexible bogie frame, and acceleration response is determined. The results obtained are compared with the same obtained from rigid bogie frame formulated using an analytical model. The results obtained from the flexible and rigid body models are found to be in good agreement.

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