
The SuperSAR imaging system, a novel multi-azimuth synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system capable of detecting Earth surface deformation in three dimensions from a single satellite platform, has recently been proposed. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of detecting precise 3-D surface displacement measurements with the SuperSAR imaging system using a point target simulation. From this simulation, we establish both a relationship between the interferometric SAR phase and the across-track displacement and a relationship between the multiple-aperture interferometry phase and the along-track displacement based on the SuperSAR imaging geometry. The theoretical uncertainties of the SuperSAR measurement are analyzed in the across- and along-track directions, and the theoretical accuracy of the 3-D displacement measurement from the SuperSAR system is also investigated according to both the decorrelation and the squint and look angles. In the case that the interferometric coherence is about 0.8 and that five effective looks are employed, the theoretical 2-D measurement precision values are about 3.67 and 6.35 mm in the across- and along-track directions, respectively, and the theoretical 3-D measurement precision values for 3-D displacement are about 4.05, 4.56, and 3.45 mm in the east, north, and up directions, respectively. The result of this study demonstrates that the SuperSAR imaging system is capable of measuring the 3-D surface displacement in all directions with subcentimeter precision.

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