
Space frames are usually used to enhance the structural strength of a vehicle while reducing its overall weight. Impact loading is a critical factor when assessing the functionality of these frames. In order to properly design the space frame structure, it is important to predict the shocks moving through the members of the space frame. While performance of space frame structures under static loads in well-understood, research on space frame structures subjected to impact loading is minimal. In this research, a lab-scale space frame structure, comprising of hollow square members that are connected together through bolted joints which allow for quick assembly/disassembly of a particular section, is manufactured. Non-destructive impact tests are carried out on this space frame structure and the resulting acceleration signals at various locations are recorded. A finite element (FE) model of the lab-scale structure is created and simulated for the experimental impact loads. Acceleration signals from the FE model are compared with the experimental data. The natural frequencies of the structure are also compared with the results of the FE model. The results show a good match between the model and the experimental setup.

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