
This work utilizes an immersed boundary (IB) method to simulate the effects of arrays of discrete bleed ports in controlling shock wave / turbulent boundary layer inter actions . Both Reynolds averaged Navier -Stokes (RANS) and hybrid large -eddy / Reynolds -averaged Navier -Stokes (LES/RANS) turbulence closures are used with the IB technique. The approach is validated by conducting simulations of Mach 2.5 flow over a perfo rated plate containing 18 individual bleed holes. Predictions of discharge coefficient as a function of bleed plenum pressure are compared with experimental data. Simulations of an impinging oblique shock / boundary layer interaction at Mach 2.45 with an d without active bleed control are also performed. The 68 -hole bleed plate is rendered as an immersed object in the computational domain. Wall pressure predictions show that, in general, the LES/RANS technique under -estimate s the upstream extent of axi al separation that occurs in the absence of bleed. Good agreement with P itot -pressure surveys throughout the interaction region is obtained, however. Active suction completely removes the separation region and induces local disturbances in the wall pres sure distributions that are associated with the expansion of the boundary layer fluid into the bleed port and its subsequ ent re -compression. Predicted Pitot -pressure distributions are in good agreement with experiment for the case with bleed. Swirl stre ngth probability -density distributions are used to estimate the evolution of turbulence length -sca les throughout the interaction, and the effects of bleed on the amplification of Reynolds stresses are highlighted. Finally, simple improvements to engineerin g-level bleed models are proposed based on the computational results.

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