
Computer simulation was carried out for reactivity induced transients in a HEU core of a tank-in-pool reactor, a miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR). The reactivity transients without scram at initial power of 3 W were studied. From the low power level, the power steadily increased with time and then rose sharply to higher peak values followed by a gradual decrease in value due to temperature feedback effects. The trends of theoretical results were found to be similar to measured values and the peak powers agreed well with experimental results. For ramp reactivity equivalent of clean core cold excess reactivity of 4 mk (4×10 −3 Δ k/ k), the predicted peak power of 100.8 kW agrees favourably with the experimental value of 100.2 kW. The measured outlet temperature of 72.6 °C is also in agreement with the calculated value of 72.9 °C for the release of the core excess reactivity. Theoretical results for the postulated accidents due to fresh fuel replacement of reactivity worth 6.71 mk and addition of incorrect thickness of Be plates resulting in 9 mk reactivity insertion were 187.23 and 254.3 kW, respectively. For these high peak powers associated with these reactivity insertions, it is expected that nucleate boiling will occur within the flow channels of the reactor core.

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