
In Ref. [Phys. Rev. A 100, 062317 (2019)], the authors reported an algorithm to implement, in a circuit-based quantum computer, a general quantum measurement (GQM) of a two-level quantum system, a qubit. Even though their algorithm seems right, its application involves the solution of an intricate non-linear system of equations in order to obtain the angles determining the quantum circuit to be implemented for the simulation. In this article, we identify and discuss a simple way to circumvent this issue and implement GQMs on any $d$-level quantum system through quantum state preparation algorithms. Using some examples for one qubit, one qutrit and two qubits, we illustrate the easy of application of our protocol. Besides, we show how one can utilize our protocol for simulating quantum instruments, for which we also give an example. All our examples are demonstrated using IBM's quantum processors.

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