
In non-classical nonlinear media, much characteristic information is contained in their dynamic elastic responses. A method combining nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy (NEWS) with a time-reversal (TR) process is used in this numerical study, in which the presence of one defect and two defects acting with non-classical nonlinearity in an attenuating medium is simulated. Nonlinear defect behavior is introduced using a modified Preisach–Mayergoyz (PM) model. Two methods are used to determine retrofocal quality: harmonic filtering and modulated wave filtering. In the simulation, the nonlinear signal is filtered from the received continuous wave, then reversed and re-sent; a crack image can be obtained from the nonlinear signal in a lossy solid. By comparison with the actual defect, the image can reflect the distribution of one or two flaws, which show the feasibility and value of the NEWS–TR methodology for microdamage imaging of two defects. These results also show that images obtained with different harmonic and modulated frequencies can reflect the presence of defects. With increasing frequency, the crack positions obtained from the image change due to the influence of solid loss and interaction with sound waves.

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