
Twenty fractions of an unfractionated sample of poly(N-[10-(n-docosane[oxycarbonyl])-n-decyl)maleimide])(PEMI10-22) were obtained by isothermal fractional precipitationat 25°C using toluene/methanol as the solvent/precipitant system. Weight-average molecular weights (in the range M ¥ w =6.06 2 10 3 to 3.21 2 10 5 ) of 11 of these fractions were measured by static light scattering. The molecular weight distribution (MWD) of PEMI 10-22 was analyzed by comparing the results obtained from isothermal fractional precipitation with size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The analysis of SEC data was carried out by means of a nonlinear autocalibration of log M ¥ w versus elution time at the peak, t e (peak). The calibration was determined by an iterative computer method devised for use with polydisperse samples. The results of isothermal fractional precipitation are simulated and compared with SEC data. Good agreement between the distribution determined by the SEC autocalibration method and isothermal fractional precipitation was obtained. Poly( N -[10-( n -docosane[oxycarbonyl])- n -decyl maleimide]) Isothermal fractional precipitation Size exclusion chromatography Autocalibration Molecular weight distribution Simulation

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