
The availability of water in the reservoirs in the Central Citarum sub-watershed must be sustainable because it is the mainstay of irrigation water, electricity, and drinking water in parts of West Java and DKI Jakarta. This study aims to determine the effect of land cover change on hydrological parameters by simulating the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model. The research area covering an area of 273,240.85 ha, based on observations of Spot imagery in 2019, has a forest cover of 20.16%. The surface runoff calculation shows that the Flow Regime Coefficient (KRA) is very high (128). Based on the simulation with SWAT, the KRA value will be better (79) if the 2019 RTRW is fulfilled. The results of several land cover scenarios show that an increase in the forest area of 10 – 12% will increase infiltration by about 8-9% and reduce surface runoff by about 8%, and groundwater recharge will be better. The flow of the Citarum river fluctuates and fills the Jatiluhur Cirata Reservoir with an average of 800,081,212.0 m3/year. One way to improve the hydrological function is to convert some dryland agriculture, streamlining urban forest plants to obtain a forest area of 37%.

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