
The BEAVRS benchmark provides detailed design data and in core flux measurements for a standard PWR. In this work the BEAVRS benchmark is simulated at hot zero power using the Monte Carlo code MCNP6. The effective multiplication factor is estimated at various control banks insertions and boron concentrations. Calculations also include control rod banks worth, and isothermal temperature coefficient. Axially integrated Thermal flux in 58 assemblies, resembling detector positions in the core, are also evaluated and compared to the actual data provided by the benchmark. Axial thermal flux calculated for selected assemblies was compared to the results produced by detector signals located at 61 axial positions. Radial power distribution in the whole core is also evaluated, and compared to a previous study. The accuracy of thermal flux and radial power calculations were evaluated using two methods; the absolute relative difference and the root mean square deviation. The model was capable of simulating the benchmark with good degree of accuracy.

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