
As ASTROD I travels through space, its test mass will accrue charge due to exposure of the spacecraft to high-energy particles. This test mass charge will result in Coulomb forces between the test mass and the surrounding electrodes. In earlier work, we have used the GEANT 4 toolkit to simulate charging of the ASTROD test mass due to cosmic-ray protons of energies between 0.1 and 1000 GeV at solar maximum and at solar minimum. Here we use GEANT 4 to simulate the charging process due to solar energetic particle events and interplanetary electrons. We then estimate the test mass acceleration noise due to these fluxes. The predicted charging rates range from 2247 e +/s to 47,055 e +/s, at peak intensity, for the four largest SEP events in September and October 1989. Although the noise due to charging exceeds the ASTROD I budget for the two larger events, it can be suppressed through continuous discharging. The acceleration noise during the two small events is well below the design target. The charging rate of the ASTROD I test mass due to interplanetary electrons in this simulation is about −11% of the cosmic-ray protons at solar minimum, and over −37% at solar maximum. In addition to the Monte Carlo uncertainty, an error of ±30% in the net charging rates should be added to account for uncertainties in the spectra, physics models and geometry implementations.

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