
The paper deals with the issue of electromagnetic scattering on a perfectly conducting diffractive body of a complex shape. Performance calculation of the body scattering is carried out through the integral equation method. Fredholm equation of the second time was used for calculating electric current density. While solving the integral equation through the moments method, the authors have properly described the core singularity. The authors determined piecewise constant functions as basic functions. The chosen equation was solved through the moments method. Within the Kirchhoff integral approach it is possible to define the scattered electromagnetic field, in some way related to obtained electrical currents. The observation angles sector belongs to the area of the front hemisphere of the diffractive body. To improve characteristics of the diffractive body, the authors used a neural network. All the neurons contained a logsigmoid activation function and weighted sums as discriminant functions. The paper presents the matrix of weighting factors of the connectionist model, as well as the results of the optimized dimensions of the diffractive body. The paper also presents some basic steps in calculation technique of the diffractive bodies, based on the combination of integral equation and neural networks methods.

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