
Bendway weirs are one of the most practical in–stream rock structures utilized to protect the outer bend of meandering streams and rivers from erosion. We present development of a simulation-based paradigm for effective design of bendway weir structures to enhance meandering stream bank stability and control lateral migration. To do so, we employ the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Virtual StreamLab (VSL3D) code to elucidate the flow and sediment transport phenomena induced by interaction of flow, mobile bed, and in–stream structures in large rivers under prototype conditions. We carried out numerous numerical experiments to systematically simulate various arrangements of bendway weir in two river test-beds and gaining insights into the physical mechanisms via which such bendway weirs modify turbulent flow, sediment transport and scour processes. The so-gained physical insights are then taken into account to develop a set of practical physics-based design criteria for optimal placement of bendway weirs in large rivers.

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