
Thisstudyexaminestheefficiency,interactionsand impact of a milk-run operator on a typical assembly line. The idea behind the milk-run lies in organizing the material supply to production areas using a specialized logistic worker travel- ling in cycles between the warehouse and production. A discrete-event simulation model was developed to evaluate the interactions of the milk-run operator and a typical 10 workstation assembly line. We present an analysis of the var- ious kinds of disturbances occurring in the production envi- ronment (time variability of technological operations and sup- ply cycle, delays of supply cycles) and management decisions (takt time presence or absence, buffer capacity, supply cycle duration) on the production stability and performance (assem- bly line throughput rate, milk-run operator utilization, work- station starvation and work in process). Recommendations for designers of in-plant logistics are provided.

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