
There is increasing use of clinical Simulation Based Education (SBE) in healthcare due to an increased focus on patient safety, the call for a new training model not based solely on apprenticeship, a desire for standardised educational opportunities that are available on-demand, and a need to practice and hone skills in a controlled environment. SBE programs should be evaluated against Kirkpatrick level 3 or 4 criteria to ensure they improve patient or staff outcomes in the real world. SBE programs have been shown to improve outcomes in neonatology – reductions in hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy, in brachial plexus injury, rates of school age cerebral palsy, reductions in 24hr mortality and improvements in first pass intubation rates. In paediatrics SBE programs have shown improvements in paediatric cardiac arrest survival, PICU survival, reduced PICU admissions, reduced PICU length of stay and reduced time to critical operations. SBE can improve the non-technical tasks of teamwork, leadership and communication (within the team and with patients and carers). Simulation is a useful tool in Quality and Safety and is used to identify latent safety issues that can be addressed by future programs. In high stakes assessment simulation can be a mode of assessment, however, care needs to be taken to ensure the tool is validated carefully.

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