
Objective. To describe strategies for implementation of simulation-based crisis resource management (CRM) in pharmacy education and present students' appreciation of an interdisciplinary CRM training at a university in Canada. Methods. In fall 2016, third-year undergraduate pharmacy students at Laval University and pharmacy technician students from Fierbourg school participated in a CRM activity and completed a five-item survey to assess the quality of the CRM activity they had just experienced. Paired t-tests were computed to detect differences of appreciation between pharmacy technician students and pharmacy students. Results. Students rated each item as very good or excellent varying from 81% to 97%. The only difference found between the two types of students was on their overall appreciation of the experience. Pharmacy technician students rated their experience as very good while pharmacy students rated it as excellent. Conclusion. CRM training can easily be adapted to the context of pharmacy education because its key concepts of team management, resource allocation, awareness of environment and dynamic decision-making directly apply to pharmacy practice. Based on the results of this study, students greatly value their CRM training experience. Future research is needed to measure the transfer into practice of CRM principles.

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