
The first ever built full-scale prototype of the ITER heating neutral beam injector is the MITICA experiment at PRIMA-NBTF (Neutral Beam Test Facility), under realization in Padua, Italy.The MITICA experiment includes many auxiliary plants; this paper is focused on the simulation and verification of the air cooling system of the High Voltage Power Supply (−1 MVdc), hosted in a Faraday cage (HVD1, High Voltage Deck1) inside a dedicated Building (High Voltage Hall, HVH) at PRIMA-NBTF.The HVD1 hosts the MITICA ISEPS (Ion Source Power Supply) in a two-floor cage, air insulated to ground for -1MVdc, with huge dimensions 12.5 m (L) × 8.4 m (W) × 9.6 m (H).Severe cleanliness constraints are required in the HVH hosting the HVD1, due to the high voltage operative conditions (the −1 MVdc Faraday cage is air insulated).The thermal behavior and air distribution in HVH are investigated as described in this paper.

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