
We investigate the magnitude of Sun-glint through modeling the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) brightness temperature (BT). Model results show that the specular reflection of Sun-glint in the L-band can spread over a wide range of view angles due to the roughness and undulation of the land surface and therefore affect SMAP radiometer observations. Due to SMAP’s low incidence angle (40°), Sun-glint in the specular direction is never observed, and only the noncoherent component of Sun-glint has influence on SMAP observations. Sun-glint is particularly an issue over wet soil surfaces at low solar zenith angles (SZAs), and caution has to be taken for the terrain effect even for high SZAs, because the local solar incident angle can be significantly changed by the terrain slope and then the specular reflection of Sun-glint can be viewed by SMAP. Model results also show that BT in V-pol is less contaminated by Sun-glint than that in H-pol. During an intense solar radio burst, it was found that the land surface BT in H-pol increased by 50 K in the forward scattering direction from the SMAP observation. This is roughly equivalent to 1 K increment by every 100 solar flux units on a dry soil and/or dense vegetation. When the solar activity is quiet in 2015, the Sun-glint from both wet land and ocean surfaces can reach up to 10 K in the SMAP L1B BT product. This paper suggests that BT observations around the solar specular direction should be masked for soil moisture retrieval at the L-band.

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