
Steam huff and puff has become one of the most widely used technologies to enhance oil recovery during the early phase in heavy oil reservoirs. However, when the development entered in the later phase gradually, the production performance had characteristics with low oil-to-steam ratio and the oil recovery is generally 20–30%. Predecessors usually study a certain follow-up method for a block, and the well pattern is very regular. For the oilfield in the later phase of steam huff and puff, there was a lack of systematic comparison and evaluation with different follow-up methods under irregular well patterns. In this paper, the heavy oil reservoir in block G of Liaohe oilfield was taken as an example. In view of the complex geological conditions and irregular well pattern, the follow-up developing strategies, steam flooding (SF), steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) and fire flooding (FF) were compared and evaluated by numerical simulation. A model with seven components and four reactions (used in FF) was established by using STARS module of CMG software. A variety of combined well patterns with vertical and horizontal wells were designed for comparing the production performance. In total, two cases of SF, three cases of SAGD, and two cases of FF were simulated and the oil recovery were studied. The results indicated that these follow-up development methods can enhance oil recovery in different degrees. The combined well pattern with vertical and horizontal wells had a better production performance than that of only vertical wells. In the study, the performance of FF with the horizontal well was the best (oil recovery was 31.7% in the 20th year; cumulative air oil ratio was 3973 m3/m3; final oil recovery was 54.6%), while the SAGD with one horizontal well was the worst (oil recovery was 15.3% in the 20th year; cumulative steam oil ratio was 17.7 t/m3; final oil recovery was 32.6%). Compared with SAGD and FF, the performance of SF was not the best and far from the worst (oil recovery was 40.3% in the 20th year; cumulative steam oil ratio was 12.7 t/m3; final oil recovery was 40.3%). The results show that when the well pattern conditions are complex, the number of wells is large, and the formation is heterogeneous, the SAGD of the vertical and horizontal well combination is obviously affected by the inter well interference. Meanwhile, SAGD production has certain delay and high water cut. It seems that the production performance of SF is not affected by horizontal wells, and the water cut is high. FF with horizontal wells has obvious production performance and can find more uniform formation temperature rise and stable water cut between 0.5 and 0.7.

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