
This article presents the evaluation of multicriteria planning heuristics for demand response in datacenters and supercomputing facilities. This is a relevant problem for science nowadays, when the growing application of cutting-edge technologies (numerical methods, big data processing, artificial intelligence, smart systems, etc.) has raised the energy demands in datacenters. The proposed approach involves a negotiation mechanism for colocation datacenters, where the datacenter operator agrees prices and quality of service with a group of tenants. Twelve different multicriteria heuristics are proposed for planning using both local and global information at tenants and datacenter operator levels. The proposed approach is evaluated applying simulations over realistic scenarios considering different tenant sizes and heterogeneity levels that model different business models for datacenters. Several metrics are computed and Pareto analysis is provided. The main results indicate that accurate trade-off values between the problem objectives are obtained, offering different options for decision making. The proposed approach provides a useful and applicable method for demand response planning in modern datacenters.

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