
Carbon black and soot are synthesized by gas-phase pyrolysis of hydrocarbons. Inception, surface growth, and coagulation control process yield and agglomerate morphology. Here, we present a sectional population balance model (SPBM) coupled with chemistry to simulate carbon black formation by ethylene pyrolysis in laminar flow reactors. The SPBM tracks agglomerate size distribution and morphology. New particles are formed by the dimerization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and grow with hydrogen abstraction acetylene addition as well as the addition of PAHs on their surface. Three different dimerization models for inception and PAH adsorption are compared: irreversible, reversible, and reactive. With irreversible PAH dimerization and surface growth, more than 90% of PAH mole fraction converts to particles even at low-temperatures (T<1200 K) causing an overestimation of the primary particle number density due to non-stop new particle formation. With reversible dimerization, the mass yield is underestimated by more than a factor of 3. With reversible dimerization and surface growth followed by a chemical bond formation step (chemical dimerization/reactive model), particles form and grow mostly at high temperatures (T>1200 K); the particle size distribution, as well as the average primary particle and mobility diameters are predicted within 30% of measurements. The reactive model enhances the agglomerate morphology prediction in the low-temperature regions of the reactor and appears to be more consistent with the latest understanding of inception and surface growth.

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