
The rheological properties of colloidal suspensions of spheres, rods, and disks have been studied using a mesoscopic simulation technique, known as dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). In DPD, a suspension is modeled as a system of large colloidal particles in a liquid of interacting point particles. For the calculation of hydrodynamic interactions, this method is computationally more efficient than conventional techniques using a continuum model for the solvent. Applying a steady-shear rate to the particulate suspensions, we have measured the viscosity as a function of shear rate and volume fraction of the suspended particles. The viscosity of a 30 vol % suspension of spheres displays characteristic shear-thinning behavior as a function of increasing shear rate. The values for the high- and low-shear viscosity are in good agreement with experimental data. For higher particulate densities good results are obtained for the high-shear viscosity, although the viscosity at low-shear rates shows a dependence on the size of the suspended spheres that we attribute to finite size effects. Dilute suspensions of rods and disks show intrinsic viscosities which are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. For concentrated suspensions of both rods and disks, the viscosity increases with the third power of the volume fraction. We find the same scaling behavior as predicted by Doi and Edwards [M. Doi and S. F. Edwards, The Theory of Polymer Dynamics (Oxford University Press, New York, 1986)] for rod suspensions in the semidilute regime. The DPD simulation technique emerges as a useful tool for studying the rheology of particulate suspensions.

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