
A major question in the urban planning areas is to understand how urban areas expand. The development of transportation infrastructure such as high-speed railway system is likely to have considerable impacts on the urban growth especially to those area that have access to it. Understanding how the de-elopement will impact the urban growth will be a huge advantage in formulating the spatial plan and to tackle the potential problem. This research attempt to understand how the urban areas expand and analyse the expansion and its relationship with the development of high-speed railway systems by using Artificial Neural-Network Cellular Automata (ANN-CA) approach, utilizing the Modules for Land Use Change (MOLUSCE) plugin in QGIS. This approach has resulted in assisting us to understand the urban expansion pattern and analyse the important component that link the expansion with the infrastructure: Accessibility. By implementing the CA approach, this research also demonstrate that the ANN-CA approach is a promising approach for researcher to understand and analyse the spatial areas in the way it is intended: in spatial manner.

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