
Abstract The Fermi bubbles are two giant bubbles in gamma-rays lying above and below the Galactic Center (GC). Despite numerous studies on the bubbles, their origin and emission mechanism remain elusive. Here we use a suite of hydrodynamic simulations to study the scenario where the cosmic rays (CRs) in the bubbles are mainly accelerated at the forward shocks driven by a pair of opposing jets from Sgr A*. We find that an active galactic nucleus (AGN) jet event that happened 5–6 Myr ago can naturally reproduce the bilobular morphology of the bubbles, and the postshock gas temperature in the bubbles is heated to ∼0.4 keV, consistent with recent X-ray observations. The forward shocks compress the hot halo gas, and at low latitudes, the compressed gas shows an X-shaped structure, naturally explaining the biconical X-ray structure in the ROSAT 1.5 keV map in both morphology and X-ray surface brightness. CR acceleration is most efficient in the head regions of the bubbles during the first 2 Myr. The opposing jets release a total energy of ∼1055 erg with an Eddington ratio of ∼10−3, which falls well in the range of the hot accretion flow mode for black holes. Our simulations further show that the forward shocks driven by spherical winds at the GC typically produce bubbles with much wider bases than observed and could not reproduce the biconical X-ray structure at low latitudes. This suggests that starburst or AGN winds are unlikely the origin of the bubbles in the shock scenario.

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