
Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) promises efficient and effective systems development, by providing integrated system model views and streamlining the transition between different development activities. For instance, system testing with simulation should be provided as a simple facility for the performance evaluation of complex systems. Transportation systems are complex and their behavior is determined by dynamic factors. However, research efforts define simulation models for transportation systems, using custom or simulation-specific notation. Additionally, model-based approaches for transportation systems emphasize peripheral issues, such as safety conditions and environmental impact. In this work, a framework that enables seamless performance evaluation of Railway Transportation System (RTS) models via simulation is proposed. The de facto standard for MBSE modeling, Systems Modeling Language (SysML), is selected as the modeling infrastructure, while other standards, like Query/View/Transformation (QVT), are used for the generation of executable simulation models. The latter can be simulated in Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) simulators and the simulation results are returned in the RTS SysML model. Additionally, the application of the framework in the public RTS of Athens and the obtained simulation results are presented.

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