
Tomographers map mesoscale ocean structure by inverting acoustic travel-time measurements through networks of underwater paths. To know where to deploy sensors and how to interpret their measurements, one must first understand the "forward problem," that is, how the sound channel and mesoscale features refract sound in three dimensions, and how such refraction alters the pulse-arrival sequence. We use a Hamiltonian ray-tracing program called HARPO to compute the refraction by continuous three-dimensional ocean models and to display the results in ways that add insight about refractive effects. We first simulate propagation in a simple range-independent sound channel, showing how pulse-arrival sequence depends on channel parameters and sensor placement. Next, we add linear range dependence and show that it is hard to extract range information from pulse measurements at one range. Finally, we add a simple model of a mesoscale eddy including its currents and show that deflection and splitting of the sound channel significantly alter the pulse-arrival sequence. Two diagrams that have not been widely used before are useful ways to display the arrival-time and ray-focusing perturbations caused by changes in ocean structure: they are plots of range versus launch angle and range versus travel time. Examples of azimuthal deflection, three-dimensional eigenrays, and reciprocal propagation through eddy currents are shown, and simplified methods for estimating the travel time of three-dimensional eigenrays are evaluated.

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