
In recent years simulations of chemistry and condensed materials has emerged as one of the preeminent applications of quantum computing, offering an exponential speedup for the solution of the electronic structure for certain strongly correlated electronic systems. To date, most treatments have ignored the question of whether relativistic effects, which are described most generally by quantum electrodynamics (QED), can also be simulated on a quantum computer in polynomial time. Here we show that effective QED, which is equivalent to QED to second order in perturbation theory, can be simulated in polynomial time under reasonable assumptions while properly treating all four components of the wavefunction of the fermionic field. In particular, we provide a detailed analysis of such simulations in position and momentum basis using Trotter-Suzuki formulas. We find that the number of T-gates needed to perform such simulations on a 3D lattice of ns sites scales at worst as O(ns3/ϵ)1+o(1) in the thermodynamic limit for position basis simulations and O(ns4+2/3/ϵ)1+o(1) in momentum basis. We also find that qubitization scales slightly better with a worst case scaling of O~(ns2+2/3/ϵ) for lattice eQED and complications in the prepare circuit leads to a slightly worse scaling in momentum basis of O~(ns5+2/3/ϵ). We further provide concrete gate counts for simulating a relativistic version of the uniform electron gas that show challenging problems can be simulated using fewer than 1013 non-Clifford operations and also provide a detailed discussion of how to prepare multi-reference configuration interaction states in effective QED which can provide a reasonable initial guess for the ground state. Finally, we estimate the planewave cutoffs needed to accurately simulate heavy elements such as gold.


  • Since their inception in the early 1980s [1], quantum computers have been a highly anticipated technology for simulating the laws of physics

  • We focus on a many-body Hamiltonian perspective and show that quantum computers can efficiently sample from the energy eigenvalues for an approximation to quantum electrodynamics known as eQED

  • The best known results for simulating jellium using Trotter methods are on the order of 109 non-Clifford operations for systems of 27 spin orbitals (54 qubits). The gulfs between these two estimates suggest that further optimization may be needed to allow eQED to reach the same levels of performance that we can reach for non-relativistic electronic structure calculations, the gulfs between the two are not so large as to suspect that such simulations will be infeasible once subjected to the same optimizations that lowered the costs of simulation for challenge problems in chemistry from 1014 non-Clifford gates [13] to on the order of 109 non-Clifford gates [7, 8]

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Since their inception in the early 1980s [1], quantum computers have been a highly anticipated technology for simulating the laws of physics. Going beyond the no-pair approximation for molecular and material systems in general is sparse in the current literature, due to its high computational cost classically and its theoretical complexity Due to this complexity of including both fermionic and photonic fields for QED corrections in molecular systems, a convenient approximation can be used to neglect the use of photonic modes in exchange for an effective field theory known as effective QED or eQED [91, 92]. This belief, widely held in the quantum information community, is that any physically realistic model of computing can be efficiently simulated by a quantum Turing machine. We present a simple cost estimate for simulating a gold atom using planewaves in eQED, and context for future work involving QED and relativistic effects in quantum simulation

Review of eQED
Lattice eQED
Momentum Space Finite Volume eQED
Trotter-Suzuki Simulations of eQED
Quantum Circuit for the one-body operators
Interaction Circuits
Cost Estimates for eQED Simulation
Cost Estimates for Lattice eQED
Cost Estimates for Momentum Basis Simulations using Trotter
Cost Estimates for Qubitization
Numerical Evaluation of Momentum Space Commutators
Cost Estimate for QPE
State Preparation
Planewave Cutoff Estimates for Heavy Atoms
A Momentum Space Hamiltonian
B Diagonalization of Interaction Terms
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