
The dielectronic satellite transitions originating on the 2 l2 l′ and 2 l3 l′ doubly excited levels of the He-like ions with Z = 6–20 are tabulated in a useful format. The relative intensities of the satellite transitions are listed for the two cases of low electron density (corona equilibrium) and high electron density (Saha equilibrium). This compilation of wavelengths and relative intensities should facilitate the identification of dielectronic satellite lines in the x-ray spectra of hot plasmas. The Lyman-α and satellite intensity distributions are simulated by convolving the calculated intensities with Gaussian profiles. These calculated spectra illustrate the blending of the satellite lines and indicate the instrumental resolution necessary to resolve the satellite features in experimental data. Also included is a bibliography of published experimental spectra for the satellites of the Lyman-α line of moderate- Z ions in dense laboratory plasmas.

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