
The vertical axis wind turbine is a wind turbine which is rotational axis is perpendicular to the ground surface. The H-rotor vertical axis wind turbine has a number of design parameters that can affect the performance of wind turbines. In this study discussed the effect of aspect ratio (H/D) and angle of attack on the performance of H-rotor wind turbine. Variations on the aspect ratio (H/D) used are 0,64 and 1,56 o n the angle of attack is 0 o and 5 o , the type of airfoil NACA0015. The study method used is a numerical simulation of H-rotor wind turbines with computational fluid dynamics 3 dimension . The wind speed utilized for simulation pupose was 3 m/s. Variations on the Tip speed ratio used are 3; 3,5 and 4 so that produced angular velocity at aspect ratio (H/D) 0,64 are 14,4; 16,8 and 19,2 while at aspect ratio (H/D) 1,56 are 22,5; 26,25 and 30. Results f ro m this study that the H-rotor vertical axis wind turbine with variations o n aspect ratio (H/D) 0,64 has variation in the power coefficient (C P ) value better than the aspect ratio (H/D) 1,56 . T hat is the power coefficient (C P ) value includes 0,388 ; 0,44 5 and 0,37 8 on the angle of attack 0 o while 0,390 ; 0,45 4 and 0,389 on the angle of attack 5 o . T he variations of angle of attack 5 o produces the highest power coefficient (C P ), which is 0,45 4 in the aspect ratio (H/D) 0,64 is 0,417 on the aspect ratio (H/D) 1,56. The H-rotor wind turbine with aspect ratio (H/D) 0,64 and angle of attack 5 o on Tip Speed Ratio 3,5 produces the highest power coefficient (C P ) value which is 0,454.

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