
Hydrodynamic analysis was used as the methodological approach to simulate the groundwater regime and quantify the groundwater balance in the extended area of the open-cast mine 'Jakovacka Kumsa'. The study area includes a part of Belgrade Groundwater Source, located along the Sava River, in the immediate vicinity of the mine. Sand is excavated there and used as construction material. The paper analyzes and synthesizes data on local geology and hydrogeology, and portrays a three-dimensional hydrogeological model of the study area. The hydrogeological model is transformed into a hydrodynamic model applying the numerical method of finite differences and the Modflow software code. The modeled area and time interval are then discretized by importing the hydrogeological parameters of the porous medium and specifying the initial and boundary conditions of the model. The paper also includes the results of hydrodynamic modeling of the aquifer regime in the form of piezometric-head distribution charts, as well as the groundwater balance. The 3D hydrodynamic model set up in this manner constitutes a basis for hydrodynamic prognostic calculations and assessment of sand mining impact on groundwater quality in that part of Belgrade Groundwater Source.


  • Hydrodynamic analysis was used as the methodological approach to simulate the groundwater regime

  • The study area includes a part of Belgrade Groundwater Source

  • The hydrogeological model is transformed into a hydrodynamic model applying the numerical method of finite differences

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U ovom radu prikazan je hidrodinamički model režima izdani istražnog područja na kome se nalaze Površinski kop „Jakovačka Kumša“ i deo vodozahvatnih objekata beogradskog izvorišta podzemnih voda. Na širem području Površinskog kopa „Jakovačka Kumša“ izdvajaju se naslage barskog i aluvijalnog porekla (slika 1). Na Površinskom kopu „Jakovačka Kumša“, koji se nalazi u priobalju Save, vrši se eksploatacija žutih i sivih alevritskih peskova koji se koriste za obezbeđivanje građevinskog materijala prilikom izvođenja radova na području opštine Surčin. Kako se tokom vremena vršila eksploatacija peska, površinski kop je proširen, a za nove uslove na terenu, koji obuhvataju tri površinska kopa (na slici 1 - „Kop 1“, „Kop 2“ i „Kop 3“ ) i novi režim podzemnih voda, urađena je rekalibracija hidrodinamičkog modela za vremenski period od 12.02.2016. Kako se tokom vremena vršila eksploatacija peska, površinski kop je proširen, a za nove uslove na terenu, koji obuhvataju tri površinska kopa (na slici 1 - „Kop 1“, „Kop 2“ i „Kop 3“ ) i novi režim podzemnih voda, urađena je rekalibracija hidrodinamičkog modela za vremenski period od 12.02.2016. god. do 10.05.2016. god., a reultati su prikazani u ovom radu

Koncept izrade hidrodinamičkoh modela
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