
A set of thermodynamic functions for the tabulation of thermochemical data is proposed which seems to offer a satisfactory basis for the calculation of chemical equilibria and heat balances in metallurgy. The selection and evaluation of these functions are based on simple definitions which follow directly from the basic relationships in chemical thermodynamics. Apart from the temperature,T, and the heat capacity,Cp, the following functions are used: the enthalpy,H, the entropy,S, the Gibbs energy, G, and the betafunction, β, butH, G andβ not in the form most commonly employed, for instance in the JANAF tables. No use is made of the so-called free energy function, nor the parameters for the formation of the substance in question from the elements at a temperatureT. As is shown in an example, the form chosen by JANAF for the tabulation of,e.g., the enthalpy may in special cases not produce the optimum presentation for the evaluation of energy balances.

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