
Portable neutron generators are one of the most widespread sources of fast neutrons for different applications, from activation analysis to quantitative estimation of fissile and fertile materials in radioactive waste packages. New techniques based on these devices have been developed for homeland security, e.g. neutron interrogations of packages suspected of containing substances such as explosives. When using portable generators determination of radiation protection quantities is affected by a series of boundary conditions that could differ from an experimental set-up to another, and Radiation Protection Experts cannot assess operator exposure without the aid of time-expensive Monte Carlo simulations. As it is impossible to foresee all kind of scenarios involving such applications, and time is often a critical variable, safety assessment requires faster, even if less accurate, tools for exposure evaluation. In this article experimental measurements of dose rates in a real scenario involving a D-T neutron generator are considered, to validate the Monte Carlo model developed. Consequently, it was possible to demonstrate that the calibration factor at 14 MeV for a neutron dosimeter provides conservative dose estimates and to propose a stand-alone, fast, and easy-to-use calculation tool which is usable on field by the Radiation Protection Expert without full Monte Carlo calculations.

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