
C OMPLETE denture prosthesis provides an important health service to a large segment of civilized humanity. Many varied concepts, or schools of thought, exist regarding the best procedure to use in supplying this service. While uniformity or standardization of methods is neither expected nor advocated, it is emphatically believed that the objectives of this project may be better achieved by a greater sinlplification of technical procedures. To do a good job in a concise manner, neglecting nothing of value yet eliminating all useless falderal, should merit the approbation of all concerned. The denture prosthetist need not assume the aura of a superscientist in order to perform this task. In fact many pseudoscientific procedures have infiltrated denture construction during its evolutionary development. Such procedures only serve to clutter and mask the importance of factors which really are of major consequence. The criterion of any step in dentrue construction should be : Does it co~ltribute to the fLlrlctiot1, comfort, appearance, or health of the patient? If the answer is negative, it may well be omitted, How &ay the wheat be separated from the chaff? How may we rid ourselves of the myriad of complexities whicl> threaten to overshadow the thorough execution of steps which really do contribute something of essential value? This may be accomplished only by an unprejudiced revision of thought based upon :I careful evaluation of the various concepts of denture construction. A brief discussion of the salient factors involved might serve as a catalyst to stimulate some reactionary change.

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