
The present research featured the main approaches to the study of the information structure of a simple sentence, as well as their application to the Turkic languages. The paper focuses on the case of the Teleut language. The research objective was to identify and characterize various types of information structure of a simple sentence in their relationship with formalgrammatical and prosodic characteristics. The study involved field, comparative-historical, and descriptive methods, structural and component analysis, methods of modeling semantics and visualization of spectrograms. The information structure of a simple sentence can be modeled as the corresponding functional-semantic field. In Teleut, it is represented mostly by syntagm order and intonation, which make the core of information structure management. The peripheral means are represented by lexemes, particles, and affixes. Syntactically, information structure is expressed by the phrase order. Narrative sentences are characterized by the decrease of the fundamental frequency of the phrase that makes up the focal part. Pragmatically neutral narrative sentences that do not have presuppositions are characterized by a progressive arrangement of topical and focal elements with a predicate in the terminal right position. Since topics and foci are shifter categories, syntax inversions with preservation of the progressive information packaging "topic > focus" are possible, as well as inversion of its components "focus < topic" while retaining the phrase order. The inversion of both linear (syntagms) and non-linear (topics and foci) elements of the sentence is due to various presuppositions. The lexical and grammatical means of information packaging management are on the periphery of the functional-semantic field. Their potential to control the information structure is combined with their other functions, namely the expression of aspectual, modal, evidential, definiteness, and other characteristics. Most Turkic languages share the means of information packaging management.


  • The present research featured the main approaches to the study of the information structure of a simple sentence, as well as their application to the Turkic languages

  • The information structure of a simple sentence can be modeled as the corresponding functional-semantic field

  • In Teleut, it is represented mostly by syntagm order and intonation, which make the core of information structure management

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Основными средствами выражения информационной структуры простого предложения, которую мы представляем в виде соответствующего функционально-семантического поля, в телеутском языке являются порядок синтагм и интонация, составляющие ядро средств управления информационной структурой, а также периферические средства – лексемы, частицы и аффиксы. Дмитриев также обращает внимание на коммуникативно-прагматические функции порядка слов в тюркских языках (башкирском и кумыкском): «В башкирском синтаксисе (как и в синтаксисе других тюркских языков) существует такое положение: для того, чтобы логически оттенить какой-нибудь член предложения в целой фразе, необходимо изменить место этого члена» [11, с.

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