
The identification of drug metabolites formed with different in vitro systems by HPLC-MS is a standard step in preclinical research. In vitro systems allow modeling of real metabolic pathways of a drug candidate. Despite the emergence of various software and databases, identification of compounds is still a complex task. Measurement of the accurate mass, correlation of chromatographic retention times and fragmentation spectra are often insufficient for identification of compounds especially in the absence of reference materials. Metabolites can "slip under the nose", since it is often not possible to reliably confirm that a signal belongs to a metabolite and not to other compounds in complex systems. Isotope labeling has proved to be a tool that aids in small molecule identification. The introduction of heavy isotopes is done with isotope exchange reactions or with complicated synthetic schemes. Here, we present an approach based on the biocatalytic insertion of oxygen-18 isotope under the action of liver microsomes enzymes in the presence of 18O2. Using the local anesthetic bupivacaine as an example, more than 20 previously unknown metabolites were reliably discovered and annotated in the absence of the reference materials. In combination with high-resolution mass spectrometry and modern methods of mass spectrometric metabolism data processing, we demonstrated the ability of the proposed approach to increase the degree of confidence in interpretating metabolism data.

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