
Quadratic fluctuations require an evaluation of ratios of functional determinants of second-order differential operators. We relate these ratios to the Green functions of the operators for Dirichlet, periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions on a line segment. This permits us to take advantage of Wronski's construction method for Green functions without knowledge of eigenvalues. Our final formula expresses the ratios of functional determinants in terms of an ordinary 2 × 2 determinant of a constant matrix constructed from two linearly independent solutions of the homogeneous differential equations associated with the second-order differential operators. For ratios of determinants encountered in semiclassical fluctuations around a classical solution, the result can further be expressed in terms of this classical solution. In the presence of a zero mode, our method allows for a simple universal regularization of the functional determinants. For Dirichlet's boundary condition, our result is equivalent to Gelfand-Yaglom's. Explicit formulas are given for a harmonic oscillator with an arbitrary time-dependent frequency.

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