
Observations on gross morphology of the brain is greatly facilitated by enhancing the contrast between gray and white matter. The proposed technique is much more simple than the generally recommended Mulligan method and it variations. Moreover, there is no loss of stain since the fugitive surface impregnation, obtained by the Mulligan method, is replaced by a thoroughgoing block-staining procedure with the nonfading copper phathalocyanine dye astra blue. Staining procedure: wash formalin-fixed brain slices overnight in running tap water. Place slices in performic acid for 1 hour. Wash in running tap water. Place slices individually in staining solution consisting of 0.1 g astra blue (Merck) in 1000 cc distilled water and 1 cc HCl (37%), for 12-24 hours. Wash in running tap water. Embed in gelatin and mount in plastic cuvettes.

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