
The Simons Observatory (SO) will make precision temperature and polarization measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) using a series of telescopes which will cover angular scales between one arcminute and tens of degrees, contain over 60,000 detectors, and sample frequencies between 27 and 270 GHz. SO will consist of a six-meter-aperture telescope coupled to over 30,000 detectors along with an array of half-meter aperture refractive cameras, which together couple to an additional 30,000+ detectors. SO will measure fundamental cosmological parameters of our universe, find high redshift clusters via the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect, constrain properties of neutrinos, and seek signatures of dark matter through gravitational lensing. In this paper we will present results of the simulations of the SO large aperture telescope receiver (LATR). We will show details of simulations performed to ensure the structural integrity and thermal performance of our receiver, as well as will present the results of finite element analyses (FEA) of designs for the structural support system. Additionally, a full thermal model for the LATR will be described. The model will be used to ensure we meet our design requirements. Finally, we will present the results of FEA used to identify the primary vibrational modes, and planned methods for suppressing these modes. Design solutions to each of these problems that have been informed by simulation will be presented.

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