
The similitudes between clinic and informatics constructivist's models are very important, but some distinctions subsist. A logic based on oppositions will be recommended for the analysis of these similitudes and distinctions. The analogies with artificial thinking models guide us towards two ways: the clinic considerations of local regulators characterizing the multiple levels of organizations and the general loop allowing the productions into the psychological system. We must set the hypothesis of an energetic strength carrier the information, a strength that generates at the same time the forms and regulates the opposed flows. This energetic strength can explain moreover the formation of the relatively stable mental troubles and also theirs constant changes and transformations. This strength explains also the functional normalization of the psychological system. The oppositions between real psychological systems and the artificial system are now on the way of the reduction. These oppositions lead to put in a second plan the visible observations of the troubles to focus onto their infrastructures. This position must lead to a new way on the psychiatry and to come back on the concepts of preoccupation and incitement onto the artificial thinking.

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