
Drop jumps and high-intensity interval running are relevant training methods to improve explosiveness and endurance performance, respectively. Combined training effects might, however, be achieved by performing interval drop jumping. To determine the acute effects of interval drop jumping on oxygen uptake (V˙O2)-index of cardioventilatory/oxidative stimulation level and peripheral fatigue-a limiting factor of explosiveness. Thirteen participants performed three 11-minute interval training sessions during which they ran 15 seconds at 120% of the velocity that elicited maximal V˙O2 (V˙O2max) (ITrun), or drop jumped at 7 (ITDJ7) or 9 (ITDJ9) jumps per 15 seconds, interspersed with 15 seconds of passive recovery. V˙O2 and the time spent above 90% of V˙O2max (V˙TO2max) were collected. Peripheral fatigue was quantified via preexercise to postexercise changes in evoked potentiated quadriceps twitch (ΔQT). Power output was estimated during ITDJs using optical sensors. All participants reached 90% of V˙O2max or higher during ITrun and ITDJ9, but only 11 did during ITDJ7. V˙TO2max was not different between ITrun and ITDJ9 (145 [76] vs 141 [151]s; P = .92) but was reduced during ITDJ7 (28 [26]s; P = .002). Mean ΔQT in ITDJ9 and ITDJ7 was not different (-17% [9%] vs -14% [8%]; P = .73) and greater than in ITrun (-8% [7%]; P = .001). No alteration in power output was found during ITDJs (37 [10]W·kg-1). Interval drop jumping at a high work rate stimulated the cardioventilatory and oxidative systems to the same extent as interval running, while the exercise-induced increase in fatigue did not compromise drop jump performance. Interval drop jumping might be a relevant strategy to get concomitant improvements in endurance and explosive performance.

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