
Today’s desktop PCs feature a variety of parallel processing units. Developing applications that exploit this parallelism is a demanding task, and a programmer has to obtain detailed knowledge about the hardware for efficient implementation. CGiS is a data-parallel programming language providing a unified abstraction for two parallel processing units: graphics processing units (GPUs) and the vector processing units of CPUs. The CGiS compiler framework fully virtualizes the differences in capability and accessibility by mapping an abstract data-parallel programming model on those targets. The applicability of CGiS for GPUs has been shown in previous work; this work focuses on applying the abstract programming model of CGiS to CPUs with SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) instruction sets. We have identified, adapted and implemented a set of program analyses to expose and access the available parallelism. The code generation phase is based on selected optimization algorithms tailored to SIMD code generation. Via code generation profiles, it is possible to adapt the code generation strategy to different target architectures. To assess the effectiveness of our approach, we have implemented backends for the two most widespread SIMD instruction sets, namely Intel’s Streaming SIMD Extensions and Freescale’s AltiVec. Additionally, we integrated a prototypical backend for the Cell Broadband Engine as an example for a multi-core architecture. Our experimental results show excellent average performance gains by a factor of 3 compared to standard scalar C++ implementations and underline the viability of this approach: real-world applications can be implemented easily with CGiS and result in efficient code.

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