
Personality of doctors plays an important role in their services. Present study examined the relationship between Big Five personality dimensions, Gratitude and Coping among Doctors. A total of 140 doctors were selected for this study. To select the sample for this study 9 hospitals located in city of Haridwar were approached. Data were collected using research tools GQ-6 Questionnaire, NEO-FFI Inventory and Coping Strategies scale were used. To analyse the data, a Pearson-correlation and linear regression analysis were conducted by using SPSS-20. The results demonstrated that neuroticism promotes avoidance coping and demotes approach coping, openness and conscientiousness demotes avoidance coping and promote approach coping. Neuroticism is negatively correlated but openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness are positively correlated with gratitude. Gratitude is negatively associated with avoidance coping. Regression analysis revealed that neuroticism is negative predictor but conscientiousness is positive predictor of approach coping, and Gratitude is negative predictor of avoidance coping. The present study provides a better understanding of the role of personality traits, gratitude and its relation to coping strategies may allow for more targeted and effective psychological interventions for doctors so that they can effectively choose approach coping rather than avoidance coping and also helps to inculcate positivity.

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