
In order to assess the source of trace elements and to compare uptake between different bivalve species, oysters and mussels were transplanted to five sites in the upper Patuxent River estuary during 1988. Transplant sites were located above and below the discharge of Chalk Point Steam Electric Station (CPSES)—a historic point source for copper. Organisms were sampled approximately monthly for 1 yr and analyzed for copper and silver. During spring and summer, concentrations of silver and copper increased in oysters at the upstream stations. There was very little change in silver and copper concentrations in the mussels with either time or among stations. Copper concentrations accumulated by oysters approached those found during previous periods when CPSES used Cu−Ni alloy condenser tubes (1966–1987), suggesting that corrosion from the Cu−Ni condenser tubes was only a minor contributor to the copper burdens of oysters in the river nearby. The lack of accumulation by mussels at the same sites suggests that part of the reason for the accumulation by oysters may be a taxonomically specific physiological effect caused by the salinity regime in the upper Patuxent.

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