
Stratigraphic sections and microfossils samples from the upper part of the “Graptolitic Shales- Orthoceras Limestones” and from the Camprodon Formation lying in the area of Camprodon, eastern Pyrenees, Spain, have been studied. Some beds at the top of the “Graptolitic Shales- Orthoceras Limestones” correspond to the Torres Member of the Rueda Formation, and conodont faunas, indicating a Lochkovian age, are described. The Camprodon Fm. is interpreted to be turbidites deposited in deep sea fans, although slope deposits prevail in the eastern sections. One reworked carbonate clast from the Camprodon Fm. provided a valuable early Ludlow conodont fauna, from the Kockelella crassa Zone, reported for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula. Late Devonian conodonts and late Visean (Asbian-Brigantian) foraminifers and algae were also obtained from reworked limestone clasts, and latest Visean or Serpukhovian foraminifers from the sandstone matrix in the Camprodon Fm. The studied microfossils suggest a late Mississippian age for the Camprodon Fm. instead of the previously assigned late Silurian-Lochkovian age. This age must be considered when discussing the distribution of the Culm Facies in the Pyrenees and the significance of the contact between the Camprodon Fm. and the underlying “Graptolitic Shales”.

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