
Fine-grained sediment deposition is often conceived to happen in still water conditions and to represent slow sedimentation rates. However, it has been increasingly noted that mud sedimentation commonly occurs under high-energy conditions. The macrotidal Petitcodiac River estuary is used as an example to investigate the significance of flocculation as an important process in the rapid removal of large amounts of sediments from suspension under turbulent flow conditions. A range of physical sedimentary structures was observed at the Petitcodiac River estuary intertidal flats and bars, including low-angle and horizontal planar lamination, current and climbing ripples, surficial fluid mud, soft-sediment deformation, microfaults, and mud rip-up clasts. Fluid mud within the study area contains considerable proportions of clay (21–67%) and contributes to the formation of creeping fluid-mud sheets and streams. Detailed examination of the naturally occurring clay flocs shows that they contain up to 77% of the entangled silt- and sand-sized grains. SEM and microscopic imaging of fluid mud reveal a substantial amount of bioclastic material within the flocs and dispersed among the sediments. These observations show that physicochemical and biological processes influence silt, plankton, and clay aggregation. Water samples and observations from the Petitcodiac River estuary confirm that flocs form in the water column and then settle to the tidal-channel floor and flanking intertidal flats. Laboratory experiments, using Petitcodiac sediment, show how the clay flocs have the potential to sweep the water of silt-sized suspended grains. Additionally, diatoms and their associated extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) sheaths might play a role in mineral aggregation and increased sediment cohesiveness.

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