
Silicon-based optoelectronics large-scale integrated circuits have been of interest to the world in recent decades due to the need for higher complexity, larger link capacity, and lower cost. Surface plasmons are electromagnetic waves that propagate along the interface between a conductor and a dielectric, which can be confined several orders smaller than the wavelength in a vacuum and offers the potential for minimizing photonic circuits to the nanoscale. However, plasmonic waveguides are usually accompanied by substantial propagation loss because metals always exhibit significant resistive heating losses when interacting with light. Therefore, it is better to couple silicon-based optoelectronics and plasmonics and bridge the gap between micro-photonics and nanodevices, especially some nano-electronic devices. In this review, we discuss methods to enhance silicon-based optoelectronics by hybrid plasmon polaritons and summarize some recently reported designs. It is believed that by utilizing the strong light confinement of plasmonics, we can overcome the conventional diffraction limit of light and further improve the integration of optoelectronic circuits.


  • Silicon-Based OptoelectronicsThe development of optoelectronic devices has affected many aspects of society, from simple household appliances and multimedia systems to communications, computers, and medical equipment

  • We present the development trends of silicon-based optoelectronics and the challenges that can be overcome by hybrid plasmon polaritons

  • One of the major challenges in the development of silicon-based optoelectronics is the diffraction limit, which impedes the further improvement of chip integration

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Silicon-Based Optoelectronics

The development of optoelectronic devices has affected many aspects of society, from simple household appliances and multimedia systems to communications, computers, and medical equipment. The main characteristics of the next-generation optical communication system will be intelligence, integration, low cost, and high reliability. Optical interconnection is recognized as an important development direction for realizing high-speed communication between computers and even chips. The price of silicon materials is very low, and silicon-based micro-nano processing technology developed by the integrated circuit industry is very mature. This gives people hope to make silicon-based micro-nano photonic devices. Based micro-nano processing technology developed by the integrated circuit industry is very mature. TbhyeIsnetbela.sTichdeesveicbeassiacredienvdicisepseanrseabinledfiospr erensseaabrlcehefosr ornesmeaordchueless.oAnftemro2d0u10le,ss.omAeftererse2a0r1c0h, inssotmituetiorenssea(Irncthel,iInBsMtit,uetitocn.)s[12(I,n15te,1l,6,1IB9]Mm, aentuc-.) fa[1c2tu,1r5e,d16h,1ig9h] -mspaeneudfaacntdurberdoahdibgahn-sdpoeepdticaanldtrabnrsocaedivbearnsd, wohpitcichaal rteragnrescaetliyvedresm, wanhdicehd ainre dgarteeactelyntderemshaonrdt-eredacinh dinatteerccoennnteerctsiohnornto-rweaacdhayinst[e2r0c]o. nAnceccotriodninngotowtahdea‘yMso[r2e0]t.hAanccMorodoirneg’ rtooadthmea‘pM[o2r1e],tihnatnegMraotionrge’prrooacdesmsianpg[u2n1]it,sinatnedgroaptitnicgalptrroacnesscseiinvgerusnoitns aanmdonoopltiitchailctcrhanipsiscetihveerfus tounreatmreonndoalfitthericMchoioprei’sstLhaewfu. tIunr2e0t1r5e,nadsainftgelreM-choioprem’sicLraowpr.oIcne2ss0o1r5,coamsimngulne-icchati-p inmgicdroirpercotlcyesussoirngcolimghmtuwnaicsartienpgordteirdec[t1l1y],uwsihnigchlirgehatliwzeads CreMpOorSte-cdom[1p1]a,tiwblheicchhipre-ascliazleed eCleMctOroSn-icco–mphpoattoibnliec cshyispte-smcaslfeoerltehcetrfiornsitc–tipmheo.tonic systems for the first time

HPPs Enhancing the Silicon Photonic Circuits
Directional Coupling Design
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