
Some proto-planetary nebulae (PPNe) exhibit an enigmatic feature in their infrared (IR) spectra at ~21 μm. PPNe which display this feature are all C-rich and all show evidence for s-process enhancements in their photospheres, indicative of efficient dredge-up during the ascent of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). Furthermore, this 21 μm feature is not seen in the spectra of either the precursors to PPNe, the AGB stars, or the successors of PPNe, planetary nebulae (PNe). However the 21 μm feature has been seen in the spectra of PNe with Wolf-Rayet central stars. Therefore the carrier of this feature is unlikely to be a transient species that only exists in the PPNe phase. It is more likely that the physical conditions in the AGB stars and PNe conspire against the observation of an IR feature at 21 μm. This feature has been attributed to various molecular and solid state species, none of which satisfy all constraints, although TiC and PAHs have seemed the most viable.

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