
Abstract We have investigated a locality very well known to mineral collectors, the Yates U-Th prospect near Otter Lake, Québec. There, dikes of orange to pink calcite enclose euhedral prisms of fluorapatite, locally aligned. Early investigators pointed out the importance of micro-inclusions in the prisms. We describe and image the micro-inclusions in two polished sections of fluorapatite prisms, one of them with a millimetric globule of orange calcite similar to that in the matrix. We interpret the globule to have been an inclusion of melt trapped during growth. Micro-globules disseminated in the fluorapatite are interpreted to have crystallized in situ from aliquots of the boundary-layer melt enriched in constituents rejected by the fluorapatite; the micro-globules contain a complex jigsawed assemblage of carbonate, silicate, and sulfate minerals. Early minerals to crystallize are commonly partly dissolved and partly replaced by lower-temperature phases. Such jigsawed assemblages seem to be absent in the carbonate matrix sampled away from the fluorapatite prisms. The pressure and temperature attained at the Rigolet stage of the Grenville collisional orogeny were conducive to the anatexis of marble in the presence of H2O. The carbonate melt is considered to have become silicocarbonatitic by assimilation of the enclosing gneisses, which were also close to their melting point. Degassing was important, and the melt froze quickly. The evidence points to a magmatic origin for the carbonate dikes and the associated clinopyroxenite, rather than a skarn-related association.

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