
Min-U-Sil5, a form of alpha quartz, has been shown to induce peripheral lung tumors in rats exposed to the dust by inhalation. The animals were exposed to a nominal particle concentration of 12.4 mg/m3 for 8 hr/day, 4 days/week, for 2 years. The induced tumors were large and peripheral, and, when examined by electron microscopy, were found to be composed predominantly of alveolar type II cells. These cells were found in papillary, acinar, and solid forms of the tumors and were characterized by lamellar inclusion bodies. This is in contrast to the mouse, in which the papillary form was associated with Clara cells and the acinar form was linked with the type II cell. In this study, the Clara cell was a minor component of the tumor mass. No clear risk is established in man linking silica exposure to increased lung tumor rates.

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